
Hello and Welcome!

I’ll be honest, I’m new to blogging (I’ve been doing this for 15 minutes so far) so it may take a bit for me to find my voice.

This is a story site – written, visual and auditory – and I’m looking forward to exploring and sharing some darker themed works. We’ll touch on southern gothic and supernatural themes, noir, and odd non-fiction. My tastes are pretty eclectic so … who knows. Some of the posts will be original and many will be dredged from sacred tomes in the basements of obscure libraries.

I’m glad you’re here. If you are an artist, writer, photographer, cosplayer, larper, etc., with similar interests, I’d invite you to contribute, if you are inclined to. If your work fits any of the themes of the site and is of good quality, I’d be happy to give you an artist feature post and/or links to your stuff. (This is just for fun, so I can’t pay you, sorry.) Or, just say hi. Email: Tim@letswalkinthedark.com

Thanks for coming by!

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