

I’m Tim Treadwell, artist, photographer and philomath. Sometimes I go by ChromeTiki. I’m doing this blog to explore some of the darker themes that I’m interested in – Southern Gothic Lit, the occult, noir imagery, etc., but not limited to those topics.

I’m an avid reader and a curious explorer of arcane and useless information, and as an amateur Genealogist, I spend a fair bit of time with dead people. My family has centuries of history in the Southeast United States. I often turn up stories that are worth sharing, so that’s what this blog is about and it will be a mix of content that I create and reposts of interesting things I find. There is plenty to draw from and I’ve been digging for a good long time. I’m a visual artist as well, so I’ll try to make it look good.

I should also mention that my sense of humor manifests as bad jokes at inappropriate times.

Thanks for visiting and please say hi.

My links: